My latest article for UNESCO on teaJeff FuchsJan 16, 20131 min readGoes without say that the article (titled “Ancient Green Wisdom“) is best read with a cup of tea and perhaps a good deal more than simply “a” cup#teaculture #UNESCOJeffFuchs #UNESCOtea #Tea #UNESCO #teatraditionsinChina #sustainableteaculture #ChinaTea #Puerhtea #Indigenousteaculture #Yunnantea #JeffFuchs #Puerhteaculture #TeaJeffFuchs #Xishuangbanna
Goes without say that the article (titled “Ancient Green Wisdom“) is best read with a cup of tea and perhaps a good deal more than simply “a” cup#teaculture #UNESCOJeffFuchs #UNESCOtea #Tea #UNESCO #teatraditionsinChina #sustainableteaculture #ChinaTea #Puerhtea #Indigenousteaculture #Yunnantea #JeffFuchs #Puerhteaculture #TeaJeffFuchs #Xishuangbanna