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Jeff Fuchs
Jul 22, 20212 min read
A Tea Comes Around
The joy of a bit of time-hit leaf beauty. Age hasn’t always been something I’ve ever been convinced matters in any tea. Age of bushes, of...

Jeff Fuchs
May 20, 20211 min read
International Tea Day - May the Leaf Long Reign
To the leaves, the pluckers, the makers, the sippers, the sources, the transporters and all of the tellers of tales. And tho this group...

Jeff Fuchs
May 10, 20211 min read
Latest in my 'Tea Sessions' Column - Mei's Alchemy
Joyfully returning to my Tea Sessions column in collaboration with Outpost Magazine with a piece on one of my favourite tea servers and...

Jeff Fuchs
May 3, 20211 min read
Tea Horse Road Chronicles - A lusty bit of Leaf Tribute
One of the most exquisite pieces of tea porn I’ve come ever across was this compressed mass of large leaf material, formed into seven...
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