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Jeff Fuchs
Oct 13, 20241 min read
Our "The Tea Explorer" Documentary is - finally - up on Youtube (with heaps of ads).
Our "The Tea Explorer" Documentary is - finally - up on Youtube (with heaps of ads).

Jeff Fuchs
Feb 28, 20241 min read
Keynoting World Tea Expo 2024
It is perhaps in some of tea’s more informal moments (and people) that something of the leaf’s spirit is kept immortal. I’ll be happily...

Jeff Fuchs
Oct 5, 20231 min read
Expedition Update - Departures
The concept of a ‘departure' has all changed since Sebastian’s arrival into our little orbit. Now a departure isn’t simply an exciting...

Jeff Fuchs
Nov 13, 20223 min read
Tokoname Clay of Seiji Ito's Hands
First day in Japan and already a day 'late'. A day late in meeting a man who has been crafting clay from Tokoname into tea vessels for...

Jeff Fuchs
Oct 10, 20221 min read
Lobsang - A nomad's 'simple' views
A morning of brittle cold that brought the eyes to a standstill in Darlag, southern Amdo. Lobsang watches while his two sons source ice...

Jeff Fuchs
Sep 27, 20221 min read
Tsetan - Tea Horse Road Trader
We sat in the dark gloom of his home, with a bit of lukewarm butter tea roaming around our hands. Another of the remaining legends of the...

Jeff Fuchs
Aug 14, 20222 min read
Tseba, his Tea, and the Walk(s)
One of the most purpose-driven of walkers, Tseba, would prepare a kettle of butter tea every morning before leaving to circumambulate...

Jeff Fuchs
Jun 21, 20224 min read
Tea Pot Travels - The Wild Taiwan Clay '90'ml goes to Europe
It sits amidst 5 other clay pots that are used daily. The lid is never shut tight but rather it sits ajar on top of the little 90 ml...

Jeff Fuchs
Sep 4, 20211 min read
Omu, The Strong
Arriving to a new camp and homestead, Omu sets about going through an unending list of ‘musts’. One of the musts is securing tent ‘fly’...

Jeff Fuchs
Aug 3, 20211 min read
Leaf Journeys, Leaf Ageing, and the Heights
It was upon the months' long journeys along the Tea Horse Road that the big-leafed 'assamica' material and eternal panacea, tea, would...

Jeff Fuchs
Jul 22, 20212 min read
A Tea Comes Around
The joy of a bit of time-hit leaf beauty. Age hasn’t always been something I’ve ever been convinced matters in any tea. Age of bushes, of...

Jeff Fuchs
Jul 3, 20211 min read
Latest 'Tea Sessions' Column
Few mortals provide (and have provided) as much leaf pleasure as the immortal Karma. Over years and expeditions, he has alchemized his...

Jeff Fuchs
Jun 30, 20211 min read
Pomo - The Girl Who Could Do it All
'Cheshi' in the early morning in her family’s nomadic camp of Shin’zhu’gong at close to 5000 metres. I continually messed up her name,...

Jeff Fuchs
Jun 9, 20211 min read
The Goddess and the Butter
Her’s was the last tent in the windblown nomadic community of Ala Dhotok (Stone Roof), before we headed up the snow pass of Nup Gong La....

Jeff Fuchs
May 24, 20211 min read
Interview with Tea Biz - Informality shouldn't be lost
A few thoughts shared in a recent interview with Tea Biz here. In the great rush of tea paraphernalia and in the increasingly creative...

Jeff Fuchs
Mar 7, 20212 min read
Tea Horse Road Chronicles - Choices, No Choices, and some Courage
Ascending up to the Sho La Pass in northwestern Yunnan in May there would always be a chance of weather issues, but it would still be a...
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