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Jeff Fuchs
Sep 27, 20221 min read
Tsetan - Tea Horse Road Trader
We sat in the dark gloom of his home, with a bit of lukewarm butter tea roaming around our hands. Another of the remaining legends of the...

Jeff Fuchs
Aug 14, 20222 min read
Tseba, his Tea, and the Walk(s)
One of the most purpose-driven of walkers, Tseba, would prepare a kettle of butter tea every morning before leaving to circumambulate...

Jeff Fuchs
Aug 17, 20211 min read
Dolma, The Titan
Over the course of a decade of repeated visits to a nomadic community and little Dolma’s clan near Litang, I would continuously be in awe...

Jeff Fuchs
Jun 30, 20211 min read
Pomo - The Girl Who Could Do it All
'Cheshi' in the early morning in her family’s nomadic camp of Shin’zhu’gong at close to 5000 metres. I continually messed up her name,...

Jeff Fuchs
Jun 9, 20211 min read
The Goddess and the Butter
Her’s was the last tent in the windblown nomadic community of Ala Dhotok (Stone Roof), before we headed up the snow pass of Nup Gong La....

Jeff Fuchs
Apr 27, 20211 min read
A Pass, The 'Feel', and Karma's Chai
The mind wanders back to a pass, a blizzard, and that wonderful thing that exists still: instinct. On a day of few words along a portion...

Jeff Fuchs
Apr 20, 20211 min read
Tea Horse Road Chronicles - He Was Late
The horseman assured Sonam and our team that he would appear at 7am sharp the next morning. He promised over several cups of tea, and...

Jeff Fuchs
Apr 10, 20211 min read
Tea Horse Road Chronicles - Walks and Words
“When you walk through mountains, you appreciate any arrival. When you walk to a place, you can speak about a place”. An interview about...

Jeff Fuchs
Mar 9, 20212 min read
Tea Horse Road Chronicles - Part Goat and a Little Part Human
Over the course of years since meeting Dorjè I’ve written and pondered much about him. “Part goat and a little part human” was how he was...

Jeff Fuchs
Feb 27, 20211 min read
Tea Horse Road Chronicles - Tea and Bloodlines
On foot our team of four puttered and wandered west (often faintly lost) through the Nyanqen Tanghla mountains in Tibet towards Lhasa....
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