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Jeff Fuchs
Apr 2, 20211 min read
Tea Horse Road Chronicles - Departure and the Cherub
The final destination along the Tea Horse Road, both for our own expedition and for the great journeys of the past, was Kalimpong, in...

Jeff Fuchs
Mar 9, 20212 min read
Tea Horse Road Chronicles - Part Goat and a Little Part Human
Over the course of years since meeting Dorjè I’ve written and pondered much about him. “Part goat and a little part human” was how he was...

Jeff Fuchs
Feb 27, 20211 min read
Tea Horse Road Chronicles - Tea and Bloodlines
On foot our team of four puttered and wandered west (often faintly lost) through the Nyanqen Tanghla mountains in Tibet towards Lhasa....

Jeff Fuchs
Feb 19, 20211 min read
The Tea Horse Road Chronicles - Remnants
Within the tidy remnants of a former ‘Tea and Horse Trade Office’ in Mingshan County, near Ya’an in Sichuan, Jamyan and I wandered for 25...

Jeff Fuchs
Jan 28, 20211 min read
Tea Horse Road Chronicles - Way Out, and Out Again
Yeshi and I shared tea with this old memory palace of time. Goat milk and butter were used instead of yak variations. The tea was deadly...

Jeff Fuchs
Jan 26, 20211 min read
Tea Horse Road Chronicles - There Are No Straight Lines Through the Mountains
Not heeding the warnings of Sonam Gelek; I should have known better at this stage of our journey than to plunge onwards without his...

Jeff Fuchs
Jan 2, 20211 min read
Tea Horse Road Chronicles - A Gathering of Women
Nomadic women of Ganze gather on a grassland to take part in a horse festival. It was through and over such high grasslands that the Tea...

Jeff Fuchs
Dec 30, 20201 min read
Tea Horse Road Chronicles - The Pluck
Napu went up the tea tree amid a forest of tea trees, shimmying along a support branch, until she could access the buds and leaves two...

Jeff Fuchs
Dec 27, 20201 min read
Tea Horse Chronicles - The Fry
Dakpa and I had been rolling around tea forests, tea houses, and tea characters for months at this point along portions and strands of...

Jeff Fuchs
Dec 24, 20201 min read
Tea Horse Road Chronicles - He Said, She Knew
This ‘moment’ was more accurately a series of moments and most of an afternoon, with an old muleteer and his wife. We interviewed the...

Jeff Fuchs
Dec 21, 20201 min read
Tea Horse Road Chronicles - Lhakpa
Always, it seems that it was the mountain mornings and its still clear cold that would offer up moments and characters along our journey....

Jeff Fuchs
Dec 17, 20201 min read
Tea Horse Road Chronicles Continued - A Sanctuary of Leaves
We are engulfed in the ancient tea forest. Damp earth and mushroom smells hit us as Napu walks out in front of us through an entire world...

Jeff Fuchs
Dec 15, 20201 min read
Tea Horse Road Chronicles - Shar Gong La (The Eastern Gate Pass)
Upon the Tea Horse Road’s pathways (and there were many), traders, pilgrims, and muleteers alike would refer to the ‘middle route’ as...

Jeff Fuchs
Dec 1, 20202 min read
Tea Horse Road Chronicles - Part 1
The coming weeks' posts will delve back into the memory palace of moments from our 7.5 month expedition along the Tea Horse Road, to...
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