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Jeff Fuchs
Dec 8, 20187 min read
Mustang Spaces 2 – The Cup, The Mountains
The Tibetan term ‘gtum mo’, pronounced “Tummo” refers to the tantric tradition of meditation that summons or produces heat and a kind of...

Jeff Fuchs
Sep 17, 20172 min read
Feature Article: The Great Gangotri – Feeder of the Ganges
Gongotri Glacier – Great Feeder of the River Ganges One of the great moving river bodies of the planet, the mother Ganges, is fed by the...

Jeff Fuchs
Jun 16, 20174 min read
Mustang’s Eastern Trade Route
Trade routes (still) offer up hints and teasers about how lands evolved and functioned. Everything from DNA to luxuries and tid-bits from...

Jeff Fuchs
Aug 29, 20163 min read
The Glaciers’ Breath ll Expedition – The Ganges’ Source
Preparation Notes…and Tea Stirring through some cakes and balls of tea deciding on the leaves to take on this upcoming venture to the...

Jeff Fuchs
Oct 15, 20156 min read
Glacier Melt – Nomad Streams
The long ridgeline of sediment and stone from a glacier has made a wall beside our trail. Known as an esker it is a thing of power and...

Jeff Fuchs
Oct 5, 20157 min read
The Glacier’s Breath – Bara Shigri
Biari lights up after a tea So much of what is good and cherished in my days is both deliberately tea related and in some wonderful cases...

Jeff Fuchs
Sep 30, 20141 min read
Our Expedition Ladakh gets Cover Feature in Outpost Magazine
Delighted to make the cover-feature (top-less no less) of Canada’s award-winning Outpost Magazine in the current edition. Our journey...
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