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Jeff Fuchs
Jun 16, 20174 min read
Mustang’s Eastern Trade Route
Trade routes (still) offer up hints and teasers about how lands evolved and functioned. Everything from DNA to luxuries and tid-bits from...

Jeff Fuchs
Sep 30, 20125 min read
Doctor ‘Mountain’ and the Temple – Part ll of ll
An endearing and parting shot of the Doctor With the doctor behind me, but very much still in the mind, I head north towards this “little...

Jeff Fuchs
Nov 24, 20116 min read
Slips and Stones…
Mornings can ease in or they bump in. I wake in Gebo and have somehow managed to roll not only off of my matt but make it a good three...

Jeff Fuchs
Nov 21, 20116 min read
Prostration and the Town of Thieves
Mountains and the worship of them are everywhere along the route Jana is one of those towns that looks to be embarrassed with itself,...

Jeff Fuchs
Nov 17, 20115 min read
A Devil’s River of Heat
Another of the faces that stay with me. A nomadic pilgrim, having just dunked her head in a stream wipes the remnants off. Toughness in...

Jeff Fuchs
Nov 9, 20116 min read
A Rock and The Pass
The first night of sleep is under an enormous rock which overhangs our informal outdoor space. A huge sacred rock covered in money,...

Jeff Fuchs
Nov 6, 20111 min read
Returned from Kawa Karpo Kora
Snow, pilgrims with tireless feet, endless spirit and mountains that one bows to every day…and the odd cup of tea. Posts of the journey...

Jeff Fuchs
May 31, 20116 min read
The Fight and the Turn Right – Amne Machin
So often it is the elders who remember tales through their time spent recounting orally the comings and goings of the past. Here Amne...

Jeff Fuchs
May 29, 20117 min read
Yak ‘Beauty’ and a Switch – Mountains’ Tales
We awake with a shudder to mountain cold and the realization that something has changed overnight regarding our ‘team’. Clear air with a...

Jeff Fuchs
May 27, 20116 min read
Amne Machin White and A Travelling Circus
Our two yak stand still in the blowing white snow; around them there is nothing to suggest a specific time-period and looking at their...

Jeff Fuchs
May 23, 20115 min read
Amne Machin – A Rush of White and a Kora
Amye Maqen (Amne Machin, Anye Machin) (, the stout, the muscular, and for much of time, the...
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