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Jeff Fuchs
May 7, 20115 min read
Further, Higher
We have moved further southwest near Da Re (Darlag), from Maqen towards the badland-borders with Sichuan province, less than one hundred...

Jeff Fuchs
May 4, 20114 min read
The Sun and Wind in Golok
Pilgrims at the Tashi Monastery Sun (neema in Tibetan) blasts into the day as we wake to a reckless blue sky and a wind that hums. Snow...

Jeff Fuchs
May 3, 20113 min read
Golok – The Journey To….
Before anything happens on our expedition, one has to actually get one’s body to the site– and this journey is often an adventure in...

Jeff Fuchs
Apr 9, 20112 min read
Tsalam – The Ancient Salt Route
The Route of White Gold When: May, 2011 Who: Jeff Fuchs, Michael Kleinwort Where: Southern Qinghai (Amdo) One of the ancient world’s...
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